Sunday, December 29, 2019

Analysis Of The Book The Story We Tell - 1275 Words

The significance of the title, â€Å"The Story We Tell†, in my opinion refers to the historical narrative told from the viewpoint of the victor, the White Americans. Throughout our K-12 education we often learn history from the viewpoint of the Euro-American or Whites. This creates a false truth, creating a racial hierarchy and justification for wrong doing. We often hear that history repeats itself, which as we see with the mistreatment of non-whites, this is true. We only know, what we know†¦ we need to be taught the true history that took place from all aspects, not just from the viewpoint of the victor. There is a long and intertwined history between America and race. As we have not only read and discussed in class, the film, â€Å"The Story We Tell†, expands upon the notion that the concept of race, much like that of America, is a recent development. Race is a social constructed concept often used to further economical and/or political gain. As we learned watching the film, race has always gone deeper than how you look, it has more to with the meaning persons assign to how you look. The words, â€Å"all men are created equal†, harvest a moral contradiction, we, a nation that takes great pride in that very foundation of equality, can also portray the idea of race in such a scale that would suppress and eliminated such a multitude of people for our own gain. Religion and wealth we used to define status in the beginning of Colonial America. Fewer people began migrating to AmericaShow MoreRelatedCritical Review : Citizen Soldiers : The U.s. Army861 Words   |  4 PagesSurrender of Germany is a book following Allied soldiers until the end of World War II written by American author Stephen E. Ambrose. All the stories in this book are non-fiction and covers the brutality of war through the eyes of a several different soldiers as the Allied forces move closer to Berlin. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Nike Marketing Report - 2495 Words

An Analysis and Evaluation of the Digital Marketing Strategies adopted by Nike Incorporated Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction To Nike Main report – Use of Digital Branding Marketing Mix Examples of Nikes Digital Based Marketing Mobile Markets Pay-per Click and Search Engine Optimization Conclusion References Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to use concepts, models and theories to critically assess and evaluate Nike’s digital marketing activities. Within the report models such as the Marketing Mix and Assofs Matrix†¦show more content†¦(Nike: History and Heritage , 2012). Financially Nike has seen a massive growth from its humble beginnings of selling products from the trunk of a car to having revenue of $24.148 billion and a income of $ 3.040 billion in 2012 (United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2011) Nike has been extremely effective at expanding beyond its domestic market of the United States to become a global brand that boasts 44,000 employees worldwide. When it comes to the products produced by Nike it is clear that they have diversified slowly over the years to produce an extremely broad range of sporting goods. Their range of products includes shoes, team kits, clothing and base layers to name a few. As a company they also produce goods for an array of sports including, ice hockey, track and field, tennis, football, lacrosse, baseball, basketball, and cricket. Like any other sporting goods companies they face many competitors within the market. These include Adidas, Reebok, Fila, Puma, New Balance, Asics, and Skechers though Nike is the largest company within the group. Adidas is its closest competitor with a 16 % market share compared to 31% help by Nike. Below: Google Trends Websearch (2012) - As seen in the diagram above from Google trends the web searches for Nike have seen a gradual increase from 2004. TheShow MoreRelatedNike : Case Report : Strategic Marketing3151 Words   |  13 PagesAUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS Nike – Case Report Strategic Marketing Assessment Maximillian Matthews 9/12/2014 The aim of this report is to utilize the â€Å"Nike - The art of selling air† case study, and other lessons from the strategic marketing theorem to identify marketing challenges; and how those challenges could be best addressed using the previously described marketing principles â€Æ' Executive Summary Companies today face many challenges to maintain market share and differentiateRead MoreNike Markeing1333 Words   |  6 PagesModule 1: Marketing Assignment [pic] Date for Submission: 15th September 2010 To achieve a pass in this unit the learner must: LO1: Investigate the concept and process of marketing LO2: Explore the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning LO3: Identify and analyse the individual elements of the extended marketing mix LO4: Apply the extended marketing mix to different marketing segments and contexts Context The purpose of this report is to applyRead MoreNike Business Analysis Essay1378 Words   |  6 PagesIV. 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A summary of the key findings from this situational analysis and a TOWS analysis. The report also suggestRead MoreUnder Armour Products Are A Inferior Alternative For Traditional Athletic Products1244 Words   |  5 Pages(â€Å"Under Armour Annual Report 2015,† 2015). The apparel is specially engineered to â€Å"enhance comfort and mobility, regulate body temperature and improve performance regardless of weather conditions.† (â€Å"Under Armour Annual Report 2015,† 2015). Fabrics used in Under Armour apparel, footwear, and accessories is â€Å"primarily synthetic fabrics and involve raw materials including petroleum based products that may be subject to price fluctuations and shortages (â€Å"Under Armour Annual Report 2015,† 2015). For someRead MoreIdentifying the Business Requirements: New Balance Shoes1167 Words   |  5 PagesIdentifying the Business Requirements New Balance had a problem. Nike owned the lion’s share of the athletic shoe market and no one could touch them. New Balance was also behind Adidas and Reebok, but something happened in the last two years that changed everything. Nike also had a problem. They had gotten so big that customer relations became a low priority. Nike controlled the market and dictated supply and demand to even their biggest customers. Consumer input was ignored and requestsRead MoreNike vs Adidas1127 Words   |  5 PagesENTREPRENEURSHIP PROJECT CASE STUDY INTRODUCTION CONTENTS 1. | ACKNOWLGEMENT | 2. | AIM | 3. | INTODUCTION OF THE COMPANIES | 4. | COMPARISION OF MARKETING STRATEGY | 5. | DATA ANALYSIS | 6. | DATA REPORT | 7. | CONCLUSION | ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank my teacher Mrs. Grace for her extensive support in the completion of this entrepreneurship project and also providing me with help full tips. This projectRead MoreEssay on Nike Case Study743 Words   |  3 Pages1. A decision to retain an in-house arm of agency Weiden amp; Kennedy by Nike exemplify the concept of organizational design by allowing Nike use the agency’s creative designers to focus solely on Nike work, giving them un-parallel access to executives, researchers and anyone else who might provide Nike advertisers with their next inspiration for marketing greatness before listening to any other organization. Having the agency in the building is having them at their disposal at anytime they needRead MoreNike And Challenges Of Nike Inc. Essay1349 Words   |  6 PagesExecutive Summary Nike was founded in 1972 by Philip Knight and Bill Bowerman. The focus of this report would be an analysis of how Nike’s manages and delivers its service to its customers. It also looks into Nike’s emphasis on its product quality and innovative design to meet the ever changing consumer preferences. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Cja 314 Week 2 Free Essays

Prison Term Police Recommendation Proposal CJA/314 April 8, 2013 Paula Rutkowski Armed robbery is considered to be a serious offense in the United States and I would imagine that being robbed at gunpoint or with a big sharp knife would be a terrible experience for anyone to have to endure. In an effort to reduce the amount of armed robberies each year it is important to research different methods that would aid in the reduction of violent crimes that take place each year. As a criminologist advisor to a member of the state legislation, it is important that any recommendation be extremely solid. We will write a custom essay sample on Cja 314 Week 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now In my opinion, an extremely solid recommendation is not based solely on popularity; it is based primarily on statistics. Armed robbery is a violent offense that can have a devastating effect on a person’s life. These crimes are detrimental to the growth of society, which means that society needs to do as much as possible to decrease these acts of violence. It would be nearly impossible to eliminate armed robberies completely but that does not mean that it should not be attempted. After careful consideration and tedious research it is my recommendation that anyone convicted without reasonable doubt by their peers in a court of law of armed robbery should have to serve double the maximum prison term. This type of deterrence, I believe, will prove to have successful results. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Unified Crime Report, guns were used to commit armed robberies a majority of the time. The Unified Crime Report recorded that guns were used in 42. 6 percent of all reported armed robberies, knives were used 7. 7 percent of the time, dangerous weapons were reportedly used 8. percent of the time, and the remaining 41. 1 percent of robberies were by brute force or strong arm tactics. The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines armed robbery as â€Å"taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear† (FBI, 2010). Deterrence has been around for ages and has proven to be successful, to an extent, in most cases. Deterrence is used to prevent the criminal from performing a criminal act. For example, the driving under the influence DUI) law in Arizona has proven to be a great deterrent. Every person that is arrested in Arizona for driving under the influence must serve mandatory time in jail. If you live in Phoenix, Arizona then you are more than likely going to spend time in what is known as â€Å"Tent City†. The Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe Arpio, partially owes his fame to the tents that he ordered constructed in the middle of the scorching hot desert to house his inmates. In the summer, temperatures can reach 120 degrees. This punishment, which is a major deterrent for people that would normally choose to drink and drive, has proven to be successful. Another deterrent that Sheriff Joe Arpio has implemented would be pink underwear. All inmates must wear pink underwear while they are in his desert facility. Fortunately for those busted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation pink underwear and jail cells out in the scorching hot desert are not anything that they must endure. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows in their Unified Crime Report that in 2009 there were 408,217 robberies reported nationwide. This is an 8. 8 percent decrease when compared to convictions one year earlier in 2008 (FBI, 2010). I believe that this decrease in crime, robberies to be specific, is mainly due to a crackdown nationwide on this type of violent crimes. People are sick of being victimized and or having a loved one be victimized by a person with a deadly weapon. This type of violent act is unacceptable and can have a devastating effect on a person. Imagine having your personal belongings taken from you while staring down the barrel of a gun. It would be a terrible experience that can change a person’s life forever. People often suffer from post-traumatic stress, which has an effect on our great economy. A person that suffers from this sort of stress is often times missing work, which results in missed wages and lower production. Also, the person that is suffering from post-traumatic stress is often times receiving some sort of treatment, such as personalized therapy, at the tax payers’ expense. I do agree that this therapy is in most cases warranted due to the fact that the victim underwent a life altering experience. However, if something can be done to prevent the crime from happening in the first place, which in return will save the victim, the tax payer, and the economy, then it is important that this law be implemented right away. Doubling the mandatory sentence for each and every criminal that is convicted of armed robbery will, in my opinion, greatly reduce the amount of armed robberies that take place in this country each year. If the criminal decides that they are still going to commit the robbery but decides to leave the weapon at home due to the consequences they must face if caught then passing the bill that will double the sentence for armed robbery will prove to be a great achievement for our great country. Deterrence will have then proven to be effective in the fight against this type of violent crime. The â€Å"would be† victim does not become a victim, which in return benefits our communities, our states, our great country, and the world. The recommendation to double the sentence imposed for armed robbery will prove to be a great success if you take my advice and pass this bill. Reference Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2009). Robbery. Retrieved April 8, 2013, from http://www2. fbi. gov/ucr/cius2009/offenses/violent_crime/robbery. html Supreme Court of the United States. (2000). Carter v. United States. Retrieved April 8, 2013, from http://www. law. cornell. edu/supct/html/99-5716. ZS. html How to cite Cja 314 Week 2, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Chinese Horoscopes free essay sample

Have you ever wondered about what Chinese horoscope you are? I’m going to tell you in this article what sign anyone would be. First I’m going to tell you the story of why they even made this. The story is there was a big race in China over who was the fastest. All the animals ran the race and the order came as followed; Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Lamb, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. The reason the order came out like that because the closer they were to the front the less they bragged about and were mean to the others. Now to tell you what years you have to be in to be what animal. To be a Metal Rat you have to be born in the years 1900 or 1960. To be a Water Rat you have to be born in 1912 or 1972. To be a Wood Rat you have to be born in 1924 or 1984. We will write a custom essay sample on Chinese Horoscopes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To be a Fire Rat you have to be born in 1936 or 1996. And to be an Earth Rat you have to be born in 1948 or 2008. There are more animals than that. To be a Metal Ox you have to be born in 1901 or 1961. To be a Water Ox you have to be born in 1913 or 1973. To be a Wood Ox you have to be born in 1925 or 1985. To be a Fire Ox you have to be born in 1937 or 1997. And last for the Ox to be an Earth Ox you have to be born in 1949 or 2009. Now the next animal is the Tiger to be a Metal Tiger you have to be born in 1950 or 2010. To be a Water Tiger you have to be born in 1902 or 1962. To be a Wood Tiger you have to be born in 1914 or 1974. To be a Fire Tiger you have to be born in 1926 or 1986. And last to be an Earth Tiger you have e to be born in 1938 or 1998. The next animal is a Rabbit. To be a Metal Rabbit you have to be born in 1951 or 2011. To be a Water Rabbit you have to be born in 1903 or 1963. To be a Wood Rabbit you have to be born in 1915 or 1975. To be a Fire Rabbit you have to be born in 1927 or 1987. To be an Earth Rabbit you have to be born in 1939 or 1999. The next animal is the Dragon. To be a Metal Dragon you have to be born in 1940 or 2000. To be a Water Dragon you have to be born in 1952 or 1912. To be a Wood Dragon you have to be born in 1904 or 1962. To be a Fire Dragon you have to be born in 1916 or 1976. To be an Earth Dragon you have to be born in 1928 or 1988. Then the Snake. To be a Metal Snake you have to be born in1941 or 2001. To be a Water Snake you have to be born in 1953 or 2013. To be a Wood Snake you have to be born in 1905 or 1965. To be a Fire Snake you have to be born in 1917 or 1977. And to be an Earth Snake you have to be born in 1929 or 1989. Now it’s the Horse. To be a Metal Horse you have to be born in the years 1930 or 1990. To be a Water Horse you have to be born in 1942 or 2002. To be a Wood Horse you have to be born in the years 1954 or 2014. To be a Fire Horse you have to be born in the years 1906 or 1966. To be an Earth Horse you have to be born in 1918 or 1978. Next in the race was the Lamb. To be a Metal Lamb you have to be born in 1931 or 1991. To be a Water Lamb you have to be born in 1943 or 2003. To be a Wood Lamb you have to be born in 1955 or 2015. To be a Fire Lamb you have to be born in 1907 or 1967. And last to be an earth lamb you have to be born in 1919 or 1979. The Monkey came in after the Lamb. To be a Metal Monkey you have to be born in the years 1920 or 1980. To be a Water Monkey you have to be born in the years 1932 or 1992. To be a Wood Monkey you have to be born in the years 1944 or 2004. To be a Fire Monkey you have to be born in the years 1956 or 2016. And finely to be an Earth Monkey you have to be born in 1908 or 1968. The Rooster crowed into 10th place. To be a Metal Roster you have to be born in ether 1921 or 1981. To be a Water Rooster you have to be born in 1933 or 1993. To be a wood Rooster you have to be born in 1945 or 2005. To be a Fire Rooster you have to be born in 1957 or 2017. And to be an Earth Rooster you have to be born in the years 1909 or 1969. The Dog came in next. To be a Metal Dog you have to be born in the years 1910 or 1970. To be a Water Dog you have to be born in 1922 or 1982. To be a Wood Dog you have to be born in 1934 or 1994, I’m a Wood Dog. To be a Fire Dog you have to be born in 1946 or2006. And to be an Earth Dog you have to be born in 1958 or 2018. The last animal is the Pig. To be a Metal Pig you have to be born in 1911 or 1971. To be a Water Pig you have to be born in 1923 or 1983. To be a Wood Pig you have to be born in 1935 or 1995. To be a Fire Pig you have to be born in 1947 or 2007. And last to be an Earth Pig you have to be born in 1959 or2019.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Andrew Jacksons and the Bank essays

Andrew Jacksons and the Bank essays Andrew Jackson had multiple motives for killing the Bank of the United States. He distrusted the bank president Nicholas Biddle; he felt that the Bank was unconstitutional, that it held to much power and that it would use it inappropriately in elections and other political occasions. The reasons for which Andrew Jackson closed the bank were legitimate and valid, regardless of the devastating effects that his decision would eventually inflict upon the American people. One of Jacksons main reasons for closing or killing the Bank, was that it possessed a very powerful influence on national affairs and that it had no higher power to answer to. It did not have to answer to the government nor did it have to answer to the people because it had signed a charter releasing it from those duties. The bank was controlled privately but was granted a charter by the government which basically allowed both the government and the private shareholders to share in the financial ventures. Additionally, it was a storehouse for public funds and it did not have to pay state taxes. As a result of these factors the bank was too powerful and if it were not subdued or ended altogether it would become a threat to the American governments. It could, if it chose to, use its power inappropriately in many different ways, such as: influencing political situations, giving out loans selectively etc. This was Jacksons first and main reason for closing the Bank. He felt that poli tical occasions, such as elections, should never be influenced by anybody but the public and that loans should be given to all who qualify, regardless of political implications. Jackson also suspected that the bank was not apolitical (politically neutral) as Nicholas Biddle, the Bank President, claimed it was. Biddle received a warning from one of Jacksons advocates early on advising him to stay apolitical, Biddle, for whatever reason failed to take...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Effective Reasons to Support the Idea of Confucius Classrooms

Effective Reasons to Support the Idea of Confucius Classrooms A number of different schools promote education and Americans’ awareness of different cultures, peculiarities, and backgrounds that aim at improving human lives. This is why if people want to know more about one particular country, they can easily choose the school and get proper education. According to Confucius, knowledge may be defined in the following way: â€Å"when you know something, recognize that you know it, and when you don’t know something, recognize that you don’t know it.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Reasons to Support the Idea of Confucius Classrooms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More That’s knowledge† (Freedman 16). Such definite and clear understanding deserves attention and recognition, and it is not a surprise that people are eager to create schools on such basis and share Confucius’ ideas all over the whole world. So many people are eager to bec ome an integral part of Chinese culture and rely on the ideas offered by Confucius in order to get a chance to enjoy this life, evaluate ethical norms from another perspective, and clear up how to gain complete satisfaction. Confucius Classrooms are characterized by many positive and powerful aspects that help to promote such schools in future: people are eager to learn different cultures and have a chance to study them from original sources that are available in Confucius Classrooms; the development of such networks does not prevent the development of other educational spheres; and finally, these schools represent a really high quality of Chinese language education in the United States of America. Confucius Classrooms are one of the possible examples of how people organize their work and attempts to study Chinese culture, language, traditions, and cognition of this world. Confucius Classrooms turn out to be a good opportunity for different people to learn deeper Chinese basics. The establishment of â€Å"58 Confucius classrooms in 81 countries† (Kavalski 88) seems to be a good proof that such schools are obligatory and interesting for people of different cultures. For a long period of time, Confucius Classrooms have been developed in many states, and one of the most successful examples is the Confucius Institute in Florida that aim â€Å"to develop closer ties with China through Chinese language instruction and cultural exchange† (University of South Florida para. 2). Some people may wonder whether it is so important to develop such close relations with China and to spend so much time, money, and efforts in order to implement Confucius Classrooms. Witness for this development, it is necessary to underline the fact that â€Å"China has always been a very important partner† (Brzezinski para.1) of many states in America and has always been a good example in the financial, economic, and manufacturing spheres. In order to learn and realize wha t makes this country so powerful and able to take leading positions, it is better to provide American students with a chance to gain proper skills and knowledge and to communicate with the representatives of this country at the proper high level.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The results of properly developed relations will be beneficial for both countries, and what is more important, Americans will learn better the ways of how China becomes so powerful and will be able to use the same ways to benefit as well. The main point about all these Confucius Classrooms is that Chinese do not want to impose Americans study Chinese language and culture. What the representatives of these classrooms do is â€Å"developing the field of Chinese language teaching in American schools† (Asia Society para 1). If people want to study, they have such an opportunity; if people do not wa nt to deal with a foreign culture and language, they are welcome to neglect the offers and be interested into those spheres that are necessary for them. The most important argument to support the development of Confucius Classrooms is all about knowledge. When people are aware of something, they certainly know how to use this knowledge and what the outcomes of this awareness may be. China is a powerful country, and Americans have to consider its power and efforts to know its weaknesses and shortages. Only in case American people are aware of Chinese efforts, plans, and abilities, it becomes possible for Americans to take the steps that are more serious and benefit from this knowledge. As a rule, human power is in human knowledge, and if these Confucius Classrooms help to enlarge the level of knowledge, American people should make use of such possibility and define how to become more powerful and better than Chinese people are now. In general, Confucius Classrooms that are connected to Chinese-funded US education have a number of positive feedbacks and supporters. Due to a considerable number of these classrooms, many Americans have already got an opportunity to study Chinese language, culture, and all those historical aspects that make this country as powerful as it is right now. Those people who want to know more about foreign country and the ways of how its success has been achieved should find the proposition to implement more Confucius Classrooms and change the way of how Americans think about Chinese people. Adelman, Hacienda. â€Å"Chinese Gov’t School Grant Divides SoCal Community.† The Seattle Times. 24 Apr. 2010. 8 May, 2010, We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Reasons to Support the Idea of Confucius Classrooms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"Asia Society Confucius Classrooms Network.† Asia Society. 2010. 8 May, 2010. Bledsoe, Deb, C. â€Å"UCPS Receives National Grant for Chinese Program.† Union County Public Schools. 10 Feb. 2010. 8 May, 2010. Brzezinski, Joan. Interview with Megan Conley. Confucius Classrooms Change the Face of Chinese Education in Minnesota. 08 Feb. 2010. 8 May, 2010. â€Å"Confucius Institute.† University of South Florida. 2010. 8 May, 2010. Freedman, Russell. Confucius: The Golden Rule. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 2002. Kavalski, Emilian. China and the Global Politics of Regionalization. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2009.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Uderstand the source of finance avlible to a business Research Paper

Uderstand the source of finance avlible to a business - Research Paper Example The finance requirements for meeting such type of expenses are generally long term in nature. A company can rely upon both its internal and external sources for meeting financing requirements (Beck, Levine and Loayza, 2000). In external sources of financing, a third party gets involved in meeting monetary requirements of a company. External sources of financing accrue cost to the business in respect of their obtainment. The external sources can be of long, short or medium term. Short-term sources of external financing are generally of less than a year’s duration, before it becomes accrued for repayment. Some of the short-term sources of finance are discussed as follows (Beck and Demirguc-Kunt, 2006). Trade creditors are the most common type of short-term finance option, which is available for small, medium and large organizations. Trade creditors refer to the purchase of different items on credit. In this type of a transaction, suppliers allow the business a certain period of lag in payment for the goods purchased. Business can take advantage of the extra time period and invest money elsewhere for generating higher revenue. Factoring is another method of short-term financing whereby a company can receive funds earlier than the due date of its debts. A company may have a large number of debtors, who have purchased goods on credit. As a result, revenue from sales is earned only after a considerable period of time. Fund, therefore, gets trapped for a longer period, harming firm’s liquidity position. Factoring helps a company to procure the finance trapped in credit by way of providing value of debts as security to the factor agent (Goldstein, Ju and Leland, 2001). Discounting of invoice is another very popular means of obtaining short-term credit facilities. In this type of a financing arrangement, a company exchanges its receivable invoices with a finance house, which provides the business with immediate cash. The cash provided is