Wednesday, September 2, 2020

War in the World essays

War in the World expositions On Aug. 2, 1990, Iraqi military powers, on orders from President Saddam Hussein, attacked and involved the little nation of Kuwait. The Persian Gulf War of 1991from January 16 to February 28was battled to remove Iraq and reestablish Kuwaiti freedom. The war presented a few innovatively propelled weapon frameworks. As well,the United States manufactured a expansive based global alliance that stood up to Iraq militarily system. The military alliance comprised of: unni-versus-Shia (for and Arab-versus-Persian strict and ethnic questions, to an individual hostility between Saddam Hussein and Ayatollah Khomeini. Most importantly, Iraq propelled the war with an end goal to unite its rising force in the Arab world and to supplant Iran as the predominant Persian Gulf state. Phebe Marr, a prominent expert of Iraqi undertakings, expressed that the war was all the more promptly the aftereffect of poor political judgment and error with respect to Saddam Hussein, and the choice to attack, taken at a snapshot of Iranian Iraq and Iran had occupied with fringe conflicts for a long time and had restored the lethargic Shatt al Arab conduit question in 1979. Iraq asserted the 200-kilometer channel up to the Iranian shore as its domain, while Iran demanded that the thalwega line running down the center of the waterwaynegotiated toward the end in 1975, was the authority fringe. The Iraqis, particularly the Baath administration, respected the 1975 bargain as just a ceasefire, not an authoritative settlement. The Iraqis likewise saw progressive Iran's Islamic plan as threatening to their dish Arabism. Khomeini, unpleasant over his removal from Iraq in 1977 following fifteen years in A Najaf, promised to retaliate for Shia casualties of Baathist restraint. Baghdad turned out to be more certain, be that as it may, as it viewed the once powerful Imperial Iranian Army break down, as the greater part of its most noteworthy positioning officials were executed. ... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

War Strategists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

War Strategists - Essay Example Therefore, Jomini’s hypothesis of procedure completely depended on geometric contemplations. He supported focusing close by divisions of the enemy’s power before striking the basic goal. Essentially, Clausewitz and Jomini speculations have hugely added to comprehension today’s military profession1. As needs be, the FM 3.0 speaks to a progressive takeoff from past hypotheses. It has occupied with an operational of utilizing such standards as hostile, strength or common help activities simultaneously as a feature of a between dependent joint power to snatch, hold and adventure the activity, tolerating pragmatic hazard along these lines creating open doors for accomplishing unequivocal outcomes. The FM 3.0 tasks altogether started a complete change in the military by catching the solder’s experience over t various long stretches of broad battle. It in this manner changed the army’s conceptualization of tasks thus it received FSO as a focal precept of h ow it applies its abilities. Thus, the idea of FSO assumes basic jobs in the military. FM 3.0 mirrors a comprehensive comprehension of the various effects of heap long stretches of diligent clash in armed force activities. It puts underscores on individuals over innovation, consequently center around an activity and obligation at lower levels of command2. It is important that, understanding the operational condition and the fascinating issues, requires an exact procedure that grows past the military dynamic procedure. At present, the operational condition has encountered a huge crisis of cross breed dangers henceforth significantly expanding vulnerability in the operational condition. Accordingly, it has required the need of making groups to work intimately with joint interagency and global resources among secluded powers. Also, working with have country accomplices, collaboration requires broad individual participation rather than military order. At last, the ability to transmit cl ear and brief messages to target crowds assumes a basic job in conveying deadly battle work. Thus, it requires a suitable technique so as to guarantee triumphant achievement in FSO. Accordingly, ebb and flow investigate has uncovered that, the FM 3.0 has received an exceptional technique alluded to as raid war procedure. Furthermore, the methodology has put together its establishment with respect to nine compressive standards for accomplishment in FSO3. The quick assault system involves work of lightning assaults, overpowering the adversary with speed advertisement concentrated fire-power. Ordinarily, lightning war technique generally depends on tanks, which consolidate with speed. Its essential standard involves assault of a feeble point in the foe protection followed by bluffs and careful tests to discover an advancement point, in addition to a subsequent enclosure to forestall flanking and catching outstanding powers. Likewise, at the destruction of the foe, a subsequent power ma y hold the position, while the fundamental power proceeds onward rapidly to the following objective. Lightning war procedure works altogether by stun and depends totally the move and shock standards as opposed to wearing out the adversary by long siege or pitched fights. Subsequently, it speaks to a commonplace crosscountry procedure for vanquishing huge tracts of moderately protected land. Likewise, it infers diverting a dispatched the adversary from managing your attacks4. Essentially, the FM 3.0 gives

Friday, August 21, 2020

The hip-hop subculture free essay sample

The hip jump subculture Is a lifestyle fastened to and promoted by the across the board practice of rap music. It starts from the African American people group. It Is communicated through garish methods of dressing, spray painting artistic expressions, break moving, and slang. Be that as it may, with the progression of time, the way of life has crossed racial and social lines and has gotten one of the most drilled classes of music all through the world, with a similarly overwhelming society to match.Due to its African American roots, the hip jump culture was, for a significant stretch, a serve of the dark network. Rap music is to a great extent expressive; its verses emotive and sourced from the encounters of its craftsmen. Because of its urban birthplaces, countless rap records and spray painting work of art highlighted the prevalent topics of viciousness, police mercilessness, and group association. A portion of the verses celebrated hooligan life, which attracted all the more contrarily to the subculture. We will compose a custom article test on The hip-bounce subculture or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page All things considered, the subculture was seen by a trifling eye by individuals from the white network, a sentiment that was energized by dominant part of rap lyrics.However, because of the fame and centralization of rap, these craftsmen got ere effective and changed into encouraging signs among the young. Rap was utilized as a stage to examine social issues and lectured endurance over the most exceedingly awful of misfortunes as pitched by the pioneers of the class. It gradually turned out to be broadly acknowledged by all and permeated past social boundaries. The subculture gradually turned into a culture of abundance, described by costly apparel, ostentatious vehicles, delightful ladies, epic houses and endless gatherings, named the quick life.Most contend that the accentuation on realism has weakened the subcultures content, however the receptive of testing and flipping keep on exemplifying the first worth arrangement of the way of life. Primary draft. Articulations, convictions, esteem framework and a lifestyle for a large number of its adherents. Likewise composed as hip-bounce, various components recognize the way of life, the centers of which are rap music, plate Jockeying or turntables, break moving, and spray painting work of art. The way of life has enhanced from these centers, offering ascend to new types of articulation that thusly have made a solid establishment for hip jump supporters worldwide.The adjustment of the various parts of hip bounce by various networks has given he subculture a feeling of robustness and consistency matched by just the best of societies. The begetting of the term hip bounce is credited to a bunch of the class pioneers. The soonest appearance and utilization of the term is followed to the year 1978 and the band Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. (Hager, Steven, 18). A musician, Keith Wiggins, utilized the term to depict the rhythm with which troopers coordinated, to prod his recently enrolled friend.The band continued to utilize a comparable beat in their exhibitions, and drew Jeers from other disco specialists with whom they performed. The term hip-containers was created as a slur against disco rap, yet was later on to turn into the foundation of its personality. The term was additionally advanced by The Sugarbird Gang 1979 arrival of Rappers Delight whose verses highlighted the words hip and bounce. DC Lovable Stasiss arrival of the positive life in 1981 advanced the term among South Bronx inhabitants. (Hager, Steven, 21).As such, he is broadly accepted to be the first maker of the term as it identifies with the way of life. The terms soonest appearance in print happened in the definite history of this culture, named Village Voice and composed by Steven Hager. The book includes an inside and out profile of one more hip-bounce pioneer, Africa Bumboat, who attributes the coinage of the term to Lovable Stark. (_Zulu Nation: History of Hip-Hop. _ Hebraic. Coelenterates. Com. Recovered The development started in the sasss period among the urban settlements Of South Bronx.Due to its incendiary nature, the way of life stayed in the shadows and was just worked on during local gatherings. Initiated the dad of hip bounce, Clive Campbell otherwise known as DC Cool Here was among the first of numerous to give his loft as a stage. Light, Alan, De. 54). Step by step the music spread all through his whole neighborhood. The Jamaican-conceived DC contributed to a great extent to the class advancement by fusing its mark unconstrained toasting, discourse and presumptuous verse, predominant in various Jamaican kinds. (Light, Alan, De. 58). The style was named emceeing. It characterizes the cadenced conveyance of verses through verbally expressed word, over music or beats or liberated from backups. The rapper Melee Mel, of the Furious Five, was simply the first to call a MS begetting and advancing the term that is being used to date. Cool Here is credited with the development of breaking beats, the act of breaking, detaching and rehashing funk melodies. The cheery consistent musicality was intended to keep the hordes of local gathering lovers moving throughout the night. The gatherings developed in size, and the style got broad and was adjusted by various Des.New methods of breakfast, for example, cutting and scratching rose, and popular Des Jazzy Jay, and the beat. A type of moving, known as breaking, went with these exhibitions. The way of life before long turned into the fundamental type of articulation among urban road posses. They thought of imaginative varieties as a methods for rivalry and for the most part to expose an opponent pack, rather than taking the standard fierce course. Africa Bumboat detected the degrees of inventiveness among the pack individuals and established Zulu Nation, an assortment of skilled spray painting craftsmen, rap lyricists, and road move crews.The bunches notoriety and its subsequent constructive outcome on posse exercises before long drew the consideration of Billboard Magazine, whose article referenced Africa and Cool Here as compelling figures. In 1982, Africa further described the way of life by making electro-funk, which molded an electric sound out of the perky beat of the class. (_Zulu Nation: History of Hip-Hop. _ Hebraic. Coelenterates. Com. Recovered The class additionally grasped the utilization of human body parts to make hints of music, named human beat-boxing and promoted by Doug E. New and Fat Boys Buff.Hip bounce before long turned into a stage for the marginalia urban networks to offer social expressions. Lion's share of the melodious substance highlighted the realities of life in the undertakings. The young utilized hip bounce to take an interest in the social liberties development while insulting its constraints. The rappers grasped life in the hood and the brutality, demonstrations of wrongdoing, group affiliations and neediness that accompanied it. These viewpoints were advertised, drawing negative implications from the preservationists. (Light, Alan, De. 84). Initiated Gangs rap, the component developed progressively worthwhile and as such it pulled in a bigger following.Gangster records, for example, Ice Its sixth toward the beginning of the day, N. W. As Inning forever and Ice Cubes Merrymakers Most Wanted broke record deals around the nation. The deals were characteristic of the way that hip bounce was obviously no displeasure a preserve of dark teenagers. The predicament of the adolescent from the tasks and dark social equality activists was spreading all through the nation. The concentrate before long moved from socio-political concerns communicated in the verses. It rather centered around the medications, antagonistic vibe among posses and sexism to speak to a bigger crowd. Light, Alan, De. A few societies have embraced the hip-jump subculture all through the world. The sound enhances as per the area that receives it and is characterized and communicated from multiple points of view by the individuals that stay alive inside it. It has gotten one of the capture impacts over the exercises, dress and dialect of the young around the world. (McLeod, Chamber 144). Its sounds have been to a great extent fused and melded with a few kinds of music, in this manner, yielding bunches of new styles of music and adding to its effectively enormous fan base.Wherever the hip jump culture flourishes, its socio-political and dynamic plan stays unblemished. Verses, move, and spray painting are usually used to table issues influencing different networks and to advance shared development and improvement. Accentuation on the realness of rap verses has made the subculture restricted as opposed to an imported product. McLeod, Chamber 147). The majority of its standard craftsmen and unique supporters contend that the centralization of the class has been for the most part unavoidable and informational. (Isobar, Jeffrey O. G. , 187).The degree of pay produced by the specialists bit by bit diminished the arrangement of the way of life by lawmakers and agents. In an offer to pull in, a more extensive crowd, the socio-political cognizant messages instilled in the way of life were sidelined to praise the most well-known of the parts of the verses. Maltreatment of medications, sexism, brutality, and pack alliance, were celebrated to draw in the white beer. (Isobar, Jeffrey O. G. , 188). The verses lost their edge and their pith; the message has lost its credibility and is no longer attached to a feeling of community.The riches picked up by the rappers turned into the stamp of the class, its quickly developing but conspicuous industry. (Isobar, Jeffrey O. G. , 188). Abundance and impact have become boss subjects of most record-breaking records. A lion's share of up and coming specialists center around realism and a group of the pioneers have needed to overhaul their specialty so as to stay pertinent. Standard specialists keep on censuring the cash situated message of the cutting edge hip jump culture with craftsmen, for example, Nas pronouncing that Hip bounce is dead.Misogyny, then again, has totally subverted the endeavors of gifted female Masc. into the business. Female rappers procure less open doors than their male partners. Missy Elliot, Queen Latish, and Ms Late are the couple of critical females that have broken this hindrance. Sick Kim was the main female whose collection has gone platinum, a record that has until as of late b

Friday, June 5, 2020

Advancement Of Technology - Free Essay Example

While the advancement of technology has†for the most part†changed modern society for the better, it has also changed several aspects of it for the worse. How? Crime. Of particular note is identity theft, which has become significantly more rampant than it has ever been due to the advent of the Internet in the modern age. Identity thieves, who once could only rely on tracing physical things such as paper trails and written legal documents, can now access the sensitive information of other individuals via the worldwide web. What is most unfortunate is that the Internet has made this issue even worse by virtue of making it easier to do and harder to track. Identity theft comes in many forms, and is a major global problem in todays modern society. The act of identity theft can occur very easily over the Internet, even if the user believes he or she is being cautious enough to avoid any possibility of it. As Justin Hyde notes in his article about preventing identity theft, this can happen so easily, in fact, that most victims of identity theft remain unaware of the crime for some time, sometimes upwards of six months, if not more (7). Sharing personal information online over social media or some other digital format always puts one at risk of having his or her identity stolen (Kunick 25). A fraudster can gain access to a persons PII†personally identifiable information†to commit fraud using various scams and invasive procedures, such as planting malware into someones computer or posing as a trusted organization and requesting an unaware consumers personal information over email (Moody 57). There are several different methods of identity theft that may be employed by cybercriminals to obtain the sensitive information of an unsuspecting individual, such as phishing. Phishing is a cybercrime that occurs when identity thieves send emails under the guise of legitimate financial institutions in an attempt to trick users into giving away their PII (Kunick 25). Kunick also goes on to mention another method known as malware. This is malicious software that can attack ones computer and reveal their sensitive information (26). Additionally, criminals may try to trick people into giving them their personal information by telling them they have won a contest, and that to claim the prize, they need to provide credit card information. Using the previously mentioned methods of obtaining sensitive information, identity theft may occur while shopping online. Mesch explains how this works in his article featured in a prominent science journal. He says that this can happen when a criminal leverages stolen payment information or fraudulently acquired bank or credit card accounts, to attempt retail transactions without the account owners knowledge (11). Another particularly prevalent form of identity theft is tax identity theft. This happens when fraudsters acquire ones name and social security number and file a tax return in his or her name before the victim does so (Kunick 27). With electronic tax filings becoming more wildly used, this has been a relatively easy crime to commit. As a result, this particular type of identity theft has grown substantially in recent years. Furthermore, another criminally attractive method of identity theft is child identity theft, because there is usually no credit history established for the children who become victims, allowing scammers to use childrens social security numbers and other information to open new accounts, apply for government benefits, take out loans, and more (Kunick 27). One more type of identity theft†and one that is growing fast†is synthetic identity theft. This method comprises 80-to-85% of all current identity fraud (Mesch 13). Synthetic ID theft merges real and fake personal consumer data to create a new identity using information such as social security numbers, names, addresses, and birthdays (Mesch 14). All of the aforementioned methods and more may be employed by identity thieves to create or acquire a phony identity. For the consumer, remaining vigilant while online can reduce the risk o f becoming a victim. In the unfortunate event that ones identity has been stolen, there are certain steps that a person should take to resolve the issue as soon as possible, to avoid detrimental effects. If a bank account has been affected, it should be shut down first and foremost (Mesch 17). Doing this as soon as possible has the potential to save the victim a great deal of money. A fraud alert should also be requested from a credit reporting agency, as should a credit freeze. As Mesch explains in his article, a credit freeze will prevent the credit reporting agency from releasing the credit report to new [unauthorized] creditors (17). Finally, the police should be alerted so that the crime may be reported. However, it should be noted not all states have legislated that local law enforcement must take a police report on identity theft from consumers (Mesch 15), so the police may not respond to a report such as this. Identity theft has many negative effects on both the individuals that were victims of it and on the economy. For individuals, the financial toll of identity theft can be incredibly devastating. Restoring good credit, closing affected bank accounts, and working with the Social Security Administration if a social security number was stolen could all be hurdles in the potentially lengthy recovery process (Moody 59). For the economy, it can be just as bad. In 2003, more than 9.9 million Americans learned they had been victims of identity theft, at a total cost of nearly $50 billion to the economy (Mesch 22). Identity theft continues to be a major global problem today. Not only is it incredibly damaging to both the individuals it affects and the economy, but it has become even more common due to the ways people can take advantage of technology, particularly the Internet. While the Internet†and technology in general†has mostly changed society for the better, this is one of many issues that has become worse as a result of it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Leadership Style of Walt Disney - 3476 Words

The leadership style of Walt Disney 1. Introduction Walter Elias Disney (1901-1966) was the man who brought entertainment for the entire family into the homes of the people across the globe. He was both an entertainer and an entrepreneur, ensuring the long term success of his business and his entertainment efforts. Through today, Walt Disney remains a symbol of film making, creation and entertainment innovation. 2. Leadership situation At the age of 31, Walt Disney and his brother, Roy Disney, founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio (currently known as the Walt Disney Company), which became the industry leaders in the creation of cartoons. Gradually, the company expanded to also produce motion pictures and provide entrainment services through cable services or its theme parks. As co-founder of this company, Walt Disney received numerous awards and recognitions for his work. He is mostly remembered as the creator of the lovable Mickey Mouse figure, but also as the creator of the Disneyland, considered the most popular theme park in the world (Leadership with You). 3. Decision making As a business leader and a decision maker, Walter Disney developed a comprehensive approach, which considered a multitude of variables to making final calls. He as such welcomed feedback, and even strengthened the corporate culture at the company so that the employees were encouraged to provide their feedback to the managers, and as such support the decision makingShow MoreRelatedLeadership Skills And Organization Of Walt Disney969 Words   |  4 Pages WALT DISNEY LEADERSHIP AND STRATEGY SUBJECT NAME : MGMT20131 Organizational and Governance Leadership GROUP MEMBERS : SHAIK AZHARUDDIN(s0273889) GAYAM SESHI REDDY(s0280903) SAI KIRAN PALLIKONDA(s0278967) SIVAPRAVEEN SIVASANKAR(s0277212) LECTURER NAME :Read MoreWalt Disney-Leader Essay example1494 Words   |  6 PagesLeader-Walt Disney Walt Disney is the prolific creator and leader of The Walt Disney Company. Disney is most recognized for his gallant efforts which created the Disney empire, yet his leadership style is one that has melded into a company culture and a prescribed way of organizational leadership. 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As a man sat in front of an easel, bursting with excitement, the pencil hitting the paper began to emulate the imagination of the exquisite Walt Disney. Although, the journey to success was changing and overwhelming, at times. Walt Disney’s legacy has sustained to be held in high regard by many people today in leadership positions. Thus, Mr. Disney had animating jobs before developing his company, which revolved around the infamous Mickey Mouse, he was even forced back into animation afterRead MoreFamous Leadership of Walt Disney and Bill Gates1244 Words   |  5 Pagestwo most leaders who fit all these descriptions would be Walt Disney and Bill gates, even thought they have a lot in common, their leadership style was completely different. Walter Elias Disney also known as Walt Disney is known for his imagination that changed the world. He is an inspiring person who is known for never giving up and always dreaming. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analyse The Social Media Usage Of Business †

Question: Discuss about the Analyse The Social Media Usage Of Business. Answer: Introduction The following is the proposal of doing research on gathering data on using social media by the companies and what are the advantage and disadvantages of using this platform (Sigala et al. 2012). Hence the objectives of the project and scope of the project is outlined in the below. Summary of the literature review done on the topic is also discussed briefly. The theories and social web aspects that have been identified are given and based on that the research methodology is formed. The different aspects of using the primary and secondary method of data collection, interview and questionnaire-forming method is proposed in the later part. The different factors like reliability; validity is discussed in the following chapter (Leonardi et al. 2013). The sampling method and sample size selected for the data is also be included as well with the research limitations and research schedule in a chart. Project objectives The main objectives of this project is To critically analyse the advantage and disadvantage of using social media platform in the different business activity To critically analyse different concepts of social theories that can be analysed and used for conducting further studies in the field To analyse the influence of the social media utility To provide a relevant recommendation for organisations that are using or willing to use this as a business activity conducting platform Project scopes The scope of this project lies in the potential benefit of using social media in business activity in different operations of business. The market opportunity of using the social media and advantages that the company must be aware of and disadvantages that they must be keeping distance can be suggested as the scope of this project (Panneerselvam 2014). The article or journal is insightful in giving Small or medium sized organisations to strategise in their social media incorporation plan. Literature review The journals and articles that are gathered in this context emphasizes on the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in the in business operations. This literature review also includes the social exchange theory, social spiral viral models and demonstration of critically analysed staircase model. This models also relates to the social media and network business must adopt to for getting better advantage of this platform in required aspects of the business (Sigala et al. 2012). It has been clearly opined in the business that the small sector companies and smaller and medium sized business always uses this platform more than other big organisations uses for its operations. The have found the social media platform useful. The major aspect of using the media has also increased because of the wide range of audience that can be approached by this (Picazo-Vela et al. 2012). Building a brand is essential for some industry and thus approaching more of the customers and maintaining the customer relationship management has also been important for the companies using this. Customer retention is also one of the major objectives that can be backed up by the social portal. However, this method of reaching the customers is also disadvantageous when there are complainants of the customers negatively affect the implementation process (Leonardi et al. 2013). Some of the most common tool used for recruitment and customer relationship management are Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and also the official Websites of different business. In this platform, the more loyal customers will follow the accounts of the pages that are easily available for them. This has also been helpful in converting the leads that has been generated from the social media usage. The staggering number of users who are using the social media as of 2017 the number has come to 2.46 billion people, are a ripe customer base for reaching them on different purpose (Laroche et al. 2013). To create and increase the brand value of the company or to reach new customers; gauging the influence of the company in their customers; gauging behavioural issues in customer relationship are very much eased by the using social media tools. Again, the disadvantages of using these tools can be cited, as the company must use it in their advantage, while maintaining social ethics. The performance of those organisations is dependent upon it and gets affected by different comments. Social exchange theory is based upon the customer interaction and potential rewards and awards systems of using the interaction. The organisations can relate to these things as there is also a cost benefit analysis associated with this theory. There is a profitable side of using the social interaction with the marketers as well as a punishment. The punishment here will be if the customers do not turn up for purchase. The positive interaction is needed though there wont be a possibility of repeat purchase. The interaction must have a humane touch to sustain the social relations as bots would not be effective in this aspect of business (Sigala et al. 2012). The social spiral viral model suggests that the content that the business shares in the web where it is used by all the potential customer or audience of the company must be implanted strategically. The campaigns and advertisements that are used must be integrated with all marketing programs of the company. Thus the social media optimisation concept has been put through. This activity is rather technological for undermining the business corporationss whole marketing strategy (Patinoe et al. 2012). The factors takes into consideration of the target market audience, positioning of the company and its products and social media behaviour patterns of the brands audiences. The main theme of this model is content created in terms of getting g more views in the internet. The social staircase model takes into consideration the strategy, presence, tools and conversation. All the factors must be considered in the forming the business strategy. The probability of measuring the presence of the bu sinesss or the products visibility in the social web is significant for the applicability of enriching the content delivered in terms of increasing the brands value. The message must be conveyed in one or other way (Reynolds et al. 2014). Research questions Primary questions What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media platforms in business activities? Secondary questions What are the opportunities in using social media in business activities? What can be suggested as the behavioural patterns of using social media users? What is the positive and negative impact that the business has in enriching the brand value through social media? Research design and methodology Qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research for this report will be done on the chosen company BHP Billiton. The 5 managers of marketing department will be selected for getting the attitude scale measurement of them towards their system. The other staff of the company is selected for surveying. The qualitative research questionnaires will be based on open ended and the 40 more respondents for the online survey method. The qualitative research method will be for measuring the attitude of the managers towards their own strategy and survey will be interpreted and analysed for further insights in companies effective measure of social media uasge. Reliability and validity of research methodology The two methods of doing research are qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative method is using the categorical variables and observations in the data and quantitative is using the variables that are numeric or alphanumeric characters. Reliability and validity of research conducting a research is ensuring the validity and reliability of research. These are the main concerns of conducting a research. Reliability The main concern of a designing the research in qualitative and quantitative way is to ensure the reliability of data gathered. This is reliability and validity takes into consideration, the ethics of conducting a research program. Reliability is defined as a testing and evaluation of the data to measure the applicability, transferability and credibility of the measures. Validity The validity of doing any research is take the concept and construct validity approach to maintain the ethics of doing the research. Whereas Concept validity takes into consideration the imperceptivity of conceptions. Variable specification Here the dependent and independent variables are the ones that are identified for doing the research. One of the variables is advantage or disadvantage of using social media for business and therefore, the dependent variable is positive or negative impact of doing research. Research approach and design There can two kinds of approach in doing a research, one is deductive and another is inductive in nature. This research is more inductive and less deductive in nature. In this process, research is done in designing the research, data is then collected, and after careful observation analysis and recommendation is given (Mackey and Gass 2015). Data collection process To initiate the research, primary data will be collected from BHP Billitons official website and the particular companys human resource and marketing managers will be questioned about the social presence of their company. After gathering the primary data the secondary sources like journals in the social media effectiveness topic will be identified and analysed while doing the research. Based on the findings the hypothesis will be constructed and analysed (Flick 2015). Data will be collected by the interview with the managers and online survey of the staff. Sampling method and sample size Sample is selected based in the research design and based in the target audience for the questionnaires prepared (Mackey and Gass 2015). The sample here selected for primary research consists of the human resource managers and marketing or more accurately the digital marketing managers of any company that have effective social presence in the social media through any other portals. The sample size selected is of 50 respondents. The probability sampling approach would be a best approach to conduct this research (Smith 2015). Interview and questionnaires designing The approach to get response in the respondents will be done through structured questionnaires and direct and structured interview method (Taylor 2015). The variables that are identified in the research to more use on are advantage/disadvantage of using social media and business activity that gets positively and negatively affected by those factors. Research limitations The limitation of doing this research lies in the constraint of framing strategy of research that can be useful for further study. Using the social media is has its own limitations like not getting access to different company information used directly or indirectly by the company. The models that are reviewed in the literature review are not independent and entire strategy would fall if organisations do not considers all the factors that needs to be considered (Silverman 2016). Time schedule Figure: Time schedule chart Source: created by author Conclusion Therefore, from the above text it can be concluded that using social media has its pros and cons for a business. Doing the research on this topic and the method doing the research is given in below. Summary of the literature review done on the topic is also discussed briefly. The different aspects of using the primary and secondary method of data collection, interview and questionnaire-forming method is proposed in the later part. The different factors like reliability; validity is discussed in the following chapter. The sampling method and sample size selected for the data is also be included as well with the research limitations and research schedule in a chart. References Flick, U., 2015.Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Laroche, M., Habibi, M.R. and Richard, M.O., 2013. To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?.International Journal of Information Management,33(1), pp.76-82. Leonardi, P.M., Huysman, M. and Steinfield, C., 2013. Enterprise social media: Definition, history, and prospects for the study of social technologies in organizations.Journal of Computer?Mediated Communication,19(1), pp.1-19. Leung, D., Law, R., Van Hoof, H. and Buhalis, D., 2013. Social media in tourism and hospitality: A literature review.Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing,30(1-2), pp.3-22. Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015.Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge. Miller, T., Birch, M., Mauthner, M. and Jessop, J. eds., 2012.Ethics in qualitative research. Sage. Munch, S., 2012. Improving the benefit corporation: How traditional governance mechanisms can enhance the innovative new business form.Nw. JL Soc. Pol'y,7, p.i. Panneerselvam, R., 2014.Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Patino, A., Pitta, D.A. and Quinones, R., 2012. Social media's emerging importance in market research.Journal of Consumer Marketing,29(3), pp.233-237. Picazo-Vela, S., Gutirrez-Martnez, I. and Luna-Reyes, L.F., 2012. Understanding risks, benefits, and strategic alternatives of social media applications in the public sector.Government information quarterly,29(4), pp.504-511. Reynolds, D., Creemers, B., Nesselrodt, P.S., Shaffer, E.C., Stringfield, S. and Teddlie, C. eds., 2014.Advances in school effectiveness research and practice. Elsevier. Sigala, M., Christou, E. and Gretzel, U. eds., 2012.Social media in travel, tourism and hospitality: Theory, practice and cases. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Silverman, D. ed., 2016.Qualitative research. Sage. Smith, J.A. ed., 2015.Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage. Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015.Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Leadership Theory Essays - Leadership, , Term Papers

Leadership Theory According to Nathan F. Iannone, leadership can be defined as the art of influencing, directing, guiding, and controlling others in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in accomplishment of an objective. Leaders are not born...sure there are some gifts-traits-attributes, natural endowments that affect relative abilities...but they are not born, they are made. Any reasonably intelligent person with enough forcefulness to develop his/her ability to inspire others to follow him can earn leadership status. Remember that we have both formal and informal leaders.... Being a Captain /Sergeant doesn't make you a leader! Classic Leadership Theory: Common Traits of Leaders. Booher and Watson refer to classic leadership theory because it describes an approach to understanding leadership that by and large is out of style. Nonetheless it is clear that one can learn a great deal by studying the important personal ingredients in the leadership equation. Studying the traits of great leaders became unpopular because it was and is associated with the "great man" theory of leadership. This approach was espoused in the 19th. and early 20th. Centuries, and asserted the leadership qualities are largely inherited. This was called "trait theory." Researchers such as Mann and Stodgill found no consistent correlate between particular traits and leadership. Later research, particularly more recent and more sophisticated work has found a consistent and strong relationship between certain traits and leadership. Possessing these core traits simply makes it more likely that a person will take the appropriate action leading to leadership success. Overhead #2 The Art of Leadership. What is the nature of leadership, leadership is an art! As with any form of artistic expression, painting, music, leadership is an art form in that it: Is an expression of the individual within the social and environmental context. Reflects the individual's personality. Can be easier to demonstrate and develop when one has a talent for it. Can be learned-you may have a talent for it, you may not, either way, anyone can still become an effective leader. Is greatly enhanced through a disciplined regimen of learning and feedback. Through science, we can study the elements of leadership and provide valuable understanding into its nature. This enables us to determine where to focus our leadership skills and abilities, as well as measure to some extent, our effectiveness. However, the act of leading itself is largely unscientific and is far more akin to practicing an art form than studying scientific variables. Understanding both facets of leadership is crucial to your development as a leader. For you as a leader, remember that leadership is an art; your leadership is always a work in progress. OH #3 Leadership Styles. Many people believe that there is one type of leadership that is most effective, and if they can only develop that style, they would be effective as a leader. Some leaders have one style, and honestly believe that it is best to stick with what comes naturally. As with any art form, one has a number of tools at one's disposal. In leadership, these tools are different leadership styles. Although certain situations call for specific styles, most situations call for a combination of styles. The four general styles of leadership are: 1. Autocratic. 2. Participative. 3. Laissez-faire. 4. Variable. Autocratic also known as authoritarian leadership is rule by authority. As a manager or supervisor, a person is endowed with a level of authority, which is expected to be obeyed. An autocratic leader rests on this fact, expecting his subordinates to comply. Participative leadership is often referred to as democratic although democratic processes (voting etc.) need not be present to constitute participative leadership. Laissez-faire leadership (really non-leadership) is a hands off approach. If the group's goals are being accomplished under the management of a LF leader, it is because the group members are self-motivated, demonstrate effective teamwork, and exhibit expertise in their field. Variable leadership, a precursor to "situational leadership" draws from a combination of the above styles. Whether this form of leadership is effective depends on how each style is applied at what time. The styles of leadership help us understand how people go about practicing the art, the question how does our individual traits affect our ability to do so? OH #4 Leadership Traits. Traits can be described as our general orientation (paradigm) toward people and things. Regrettably we tend to view ourselves, as the way people ought to be. That is problematic. This clouds our judgment of ourselves and others, hindering our ability to ascertain weaknesses, and objectively evaluate and develop Leadership Theory Essays - Leadership, , Term Papers Leadership Theory According to Nathan F. Iannone, leadership can be defined as the art of influencing, directing, guiding, and controlling others in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in accomplishment of an objective. Leaders are not born...sure there are some gifts-traits-attributes, natural endowments that affect relative abilities...but they are not born, they are made. Any reasonably intelligent person with enough forcefulness to develop his/her ability to inspire others to follow him can earn leadership status. Remember that we have both formal and informal leaders.... Being a Captain /Sergeant doesn't make you a leader! Classic Leadership Theory: Common Traits of Leaders. Booher and Watson refer to classic leadership theory because it describes an approach to understanding leadership that by and large is out of style. Nonetheless it is clear that one can learn a great deal by studying the important personal ingredients in the leadership equation. Studying the traits of great leaders became unpopular because it was and is associated with the "great man" theory of leadership. This approach was espoused in the 19th. and early 20th. Centuries, and asserted the leadership qualities are largely inherited. This was called "trait theory." Researchers such as Mann and Stodgill found no consistent correlate between particular traits and leadership. Later research, particularly more recent and more sophisticated work has found a consistent and strong relationship between certain traits and leadership. Possessing these core traits simply makes it more likely that a person will take the appropriate action leading to leadership success. Overhead #2 The Art of Leadership. What is the nature of leadership, leadership is an art! As with any form of artistic expression, painting, music, leadership is an art form in that it: Is an expression of the individual within the social and environmental context. Reflects the individual's personality. Can be easier to demonstrate and develop when one has a talent for it. Can be learned-you may have a talent for it, you may not, either way, anyone can still become an effective leader. Is greatly enhanced through a disciplined regimen of learning and feedback. Through science, we can study the elements of leadership and provide valuable understanding into its nature. This enables us to determine where to focus our leadership skills and abilities, as well as measure to some extent, our effectiveness. However, the act of leading itself is largely unscientific and is far more akin to practicing an art form than studying scientific variables. Understanding both facets of leadership is crucial to your development as a leader. For you as a leader, remember that leadership is an art; your leadership is always a work in progress. OH #3 Leadership Styles. Many people believe that there is one type of leadership that is most effective, and if they can only develop that style, they would be effective as a leader. Some leaders have one style, and honestly believe that it is best to stick with what comes naturally. As with any art form, one has a number of tools at one's disposal. In leadership, these tools are different leadership styles. Although certain situations call for specific styles, most situations call for a combination of styles. The four general styles of leadership are: 1. Autocratic. 2. Participative. 3. Laissez-faire. 4. Variable. Autocratic also known as authoritarian leadership is rule by authority. As a manager or supervisor, a person is endowed with a level of authority, which is expected to be obeyed. An autocratic leader rests on this fact, expecting his subordinates to comply. Participative leadership is often referred to as democratic although democratic processes (voting etc.) need not be present to constitute participative leadership. Laissez-faire leadership (really non-leadership) is a hands off approach. If the group's goals are being accomplished under the management of a LF leader, it is because the group members are self-motivated, demonstrate effective teamwork, and exhibit expertise in their field. Variable leadership, a precursor to "situational leadership" draws from a combination of the above styles. Whether this form of leadership is effective depends on how each style is applied at what time. The styles of leadership help us understand how people go about practicing the art, the question how does our individual traits affect our ability to do so? OH #4 Leadership Traits. Traits can be described as our general orientation (paradigm) toward people and things. Regrettably we tend to view ourselves, as the way people ought to be. That is problematic. This clouds our judgment of ourselves and others, hindering our ability to ascertain weaknesses, and objectively evaluate and develop Leadership Theory Essays - Leadership, , Term Papers Leadership Theory According to Nathan F. Iannone, leadership can be defined as the art of influencing, directing, guiding, and controlling others in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in accomplishment of an objective. Leaders are not born...sure there are some gifts-traits-attributes, natural endowments that affect relative abilities...but they are not born, they are made. Any reasonably intelligent person with enough forcefulness to develop his/her ability to inspire others to follow him can earn leadership status. Remember that we have both formal and informal leaders.... Being a Captain /Sergeant doesn't make you a leader! Classic Leadership Theory: Common Traits of Leaders. Booher and Watson refer to classic leadership theory because it describes an approach to understanding leadership that by and large is out of style. Nonetheless it is clear that one can learn a great deal by studying the important personal ingredients in the leadership equation. Studying the traits of great leaders became unpopular because it was and is associated with the "great man" theory of leadership. This approach was espoused in the 19th. and early 20th. Centuries, and asserted the leadership qualities are largely inherited. This was called "trait theory." Researchers such as Mann and Stodgill found no consistent correlate between particular traits and leadership. Later research, particularly more recent and more sophisticated work has found a consistent and strong relationship between certain traits and leadership. Possessing these core traits simply makes it more likely that a person will take the appropriate action leading to leadership success. Overhead #2 The Art of Leadership. What is the nature of leadership, leadership is an art! As with any form of artistic expression, painting, music, leadership is an art form in that it: Is an expression of the individual within the social and environmental context. Reflects the individual's personality. Can be easier to demonstrate and develop when one has a talent for it. Can be learned-you may have a talent for it, you may not, either way, anyone can still become an effective leader. Is greatly enhanced through a disciplined regimen of learning and feedback. Through science, we can study the elements of leadership and provide valuable understanding into its nature. This enables us to determine where to focus our leadership skills and abilities, as well as measure to some extent, our effectiveness. However, the act of leading itself is largely unscientific and is far more akin to practicing an art form than studying scientific variables. Understanding both facets of leadership is crucial to your development as a leader. For you as a leader, remember that leadership is an art; your leadership is always a work in progress. OH #3 Leadership Styles. Many people believe that there is one type of leadership that is most effective, and if they can only develop that style, they would be effective as a leader. Some leaders have one style, and honestly believe that it is best to stick with what comes naturally. As with any art form, one has a number of tools at one's disposal. In leadership, these tools are different leadership styles. Although certain situations call for specific styles, most situations call for a combination of styles. The four general styles of leadership are: 1. Autocratic. 2. Participative. 3. Laissez-faire. 4. Variable. Autocratic also known as authoritarian leadership is rule by authority. As a manager or supervisor, a person is endowed with a level of authority, which is expected to be obeyed. An autocratic leader rests on this fact, expecting his subordinates to comply. Participative leadership is often referred to as democratic although democratic processes (voting etc.) need not be present to constitute participative leadership. Laissez-faire leadership (really non-leadership) is a hands off approach. If the group's goals are being accomplished under the management of a LF leader, it is because the group members are self-motivated, demonstrate effective teamwork, and exhibit expertise in their field. Variable leadership, a precursor to "situational leadership" draws from a combination of the above styles. Whether this form of leadership is effective depends on how each style is applied at what time. The styles of leadership help us understand how people go about practicing the art, the question how does our individual traits affect our ability to do so? OH #4 Leadership Traits. Traits can be described as our general orientation (paradigm) toward people and things. Regrettably we tend to view ourselves, as the way people ought to be. That is problematic. This clouds our judgment of ourselves and others, hindering our ability to ascertain weaknesses, and objectively evaluate and develop

Sunday, March 15, 2020

An honest Ghost Essay Example

An honest Ghost Essay Example An honest Ghost Paper An honest Ghost Paper Immediately after the Ghost has left the stage Hamlet is uncertain to whether it has come from either Heaven or Hell and, until he has other proof Claudiuss guilt, he remains ready to believe it is a damned ghost we have seen. The Ghost talks about returning to Purgatory and Hamlet at once insists that it is an honest Ghost. For him what carries most conviction is the Ghosts likeness to his father and the closeness of what it says to his own thoughts. Shakespeare ensures that we believe that the Ghost is not a figment of Hamlets imagination as both he and Laertes see the ghost and they are portrayed as intellects. In addition the two sentinels, Barnardo and Francisco have seen it. There is therefore a wealth of evidence to prove its existence and we are therefore more inclined to believe the validity of its arguments that the old Hamlet did not die naturally. After the ghost has gone Marcellus remarks something is rotten in the state of Denmark to them the ghost symbolizes that something is wrong in Denmark. This could also be a clue to the fact the Claudius could be corrupt. Hamlet believes several things about death and the afterlife, the main one seen in Hamlet being the fact that if you commit suicide you will not go to heaven as God gave you your life, and you have no right to take it away. This to the modern audience may seem strange because if God has given you life then it is surely your own to do with what you choose. Hamlet believes is that everybody would be committing suicide if they were not so afraid of death and the afterlife and the consequences to their soul for sinning against God. We will write a custom essay sample on An honest Ghost specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on An honest Ghost specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on An honest Ghost specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Hamlets own life seems worthless and meaningless to him as a result of the death of his father and his mothers behavior. Because of this, Hamlet contemplates suicide. People are afraid of what the afterlife may contain. They know that they will not go to Heaven if they commit suicide and fear that Hell would be worse to bear than the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune on earth. The theme of suicide also comes into the play in Act Five Scene One (the Gravedigger Scene) when the clowns discuss whether Ophelia drowned herself in her own defense. If you kill yourself you were not meant to have a Christian burial this is also brought up by one of the clowns when he cynically says if (Ophelia) had not been a gentlewomen, she should have been buried out o Christian burial We in the modern age find this peculiar but in the time the play was written this was the usual practice. The Jacobean audience believed that you have no right to commit suicide as God gave you life and therefore had no right to a Christian burial. The King would have used his influence regarding Ophelia so she would get a Christian burial, which points to the hypocrisy of the rich, and powerful who are able to buy themselves and their friends privileges. In the same scene Hamlet talks about Yorick the Kings jester and remembers how he was. Here hung those lips I have kisss I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now, your gambols, your 190 songs, your flashes of Merriment that were wont to se the table on a roar. Hamlet thinks that it is sad that Yorick has ended up as a bag of bones, yet acknowledges that he believes in the afterlife when he tells his spirit to go to Gertrudes chamber and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favour she must come Death he is pointing at, makes everyone equal. Even his mother, the queen, will one day be reduced to a pile of bones. The modern audiences view of the afterlife is very split some people believe in it and some people do not. However the Shakespearean audience, like Hamlet would have believed in the afterlife and would have recognized the difference between the mortality of the body and the external life of the soul. When he has the opportunity to, Hamlet does not kill Claudius while he is praying because the church believed that if a person is praying, as he dies his soul is absolved and he will go to Heaven. Hamlet does not want Claudius to go to Heaven when his father who was poisoned and didnt have time to pray is committed to Purgatory. This is a double irony because Claudius can not pray effectively since, to absolve his soul of sin, he would have to give up his wife and his throne in order to show true penitence. However God is looking after him because Hamlet thinks that he is praying so therefore he does not kill him. While the Jacobean audience would understand this view point, the modern one could possibly interpret it as further procrastination by Hamlet and a symptom of his indecisiveness. Hamlet wants to be able to kill Claudius however 1something inside him will not allow him to. Hamlet has a sense of morality, which rises above vengeance. In the eyes of the modern audience it seems strange that even though the old Hamlet was probably a better person than Claudius, he should be committed to Purgatory simply because he did not have time to pray, whereas Claudius who having killed his brother and who is now having sexual relations with his brothers wife, can be let off by just praying before he dies.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Reflective Journal On Capsim Business Simulation Essay

Reflective Journal On Capsim Business Simulation - Essay Example During our engagement in teamwork, there are a number of things that I learnt. By participating in the decision making, I learnt the importance of teamwork. Teamwork involves the work done by several associates with every member of the team playing a single part, but all members contributing individually to the success of the entire process. While working in a team, conflicts are likely to arise. Initial steps of a team are marred with collision as the team members try to understand one another. As the team cohesion grows, it becomes easy to solve any form of arising conflicts. There are benefits of working in a group. Among these benefits, problem solving especially whenever a crisis arises is important. While working in a team, accomplishing a task is easier and faster as decisions are reached faster (Bell 2011, p. 93). Every member of the group contributed their individual unique knowledge into the task, subsequently improving our results. Through the simulation process, I underst ood the essence of making effective and informed decisions that are results oriented. Decision making involves selecting the most appropriate and viable course of action from available alternatives (Adair 2010, p. 12). Decision making is a process that involves reasoning and evaluation of the consequences involved. A number of factors constrain the success of a team and the achievement of its goals. To a large extent, these problems can cripple the operations of a team (Macmillan 2001, p. 17). However, identifyin

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Investigation of the conventions of behavior that governed aristocrats Essay - 1

Investigation of the conventions of behavior that governed aristocrats at a symposium and those of marginals as well as the conventions of thought that characte - Essay Example This is a thesis proposal that seeks to investigate whether such norms were really prevailing or not among those considered within the paper’s scope, the last being small and limited. The cynics of ancient Greece traced back their roots to Socrates though one of his pupils, Antisthenes (Hock, Undated). Nevertheless, it is confirmed that the actual propounder of this school of philosophy is one Diogenes of Sinope (404-323 B.C.) (Hock, Undated). From Diogenes Laertius it is known that Diogenes fled to Athens when his father, a banker, started adulterating money. There he met with Antisthenes and inducted some of the philosophical thought his teacher was heir to from Socrates. Thereafter he started leading what the cynics construe as a truly virtuous life – doubling up his cloak, carrying a begging bag for his food and eating and conversing wherever he could (Hock, Undated). He believed that ‘the minimum is the optimum’ – the cynic philosophy put in a nutshell (Hock, Undated). This may be taken as a very brief introduction to cynicism and a lengthier version of the background to cynicism will become available later in the paper. Hereafter the paper shall contrive to use some incidents or anecdotes, called chreiai in Greek, from Diogenes’ own life and some from his close disciple Crates (358-290 B.C.) (Hock, Undated) to bring out the essence of this thesis proposal. It shall also use some supplementary texts to do this. The essence of cynicism is that the minimum of life is the optimum to live with (Hock, Undated). The extent to which the initiators – Diogenes and his students such as Crates – involved their personal lives with this minimalist philosophical precept is evidenced from their rigorously frugal life-styles. Diogenes even forsook the perusal of his drinking cup, which he took out of his begging bag and threw away, when he saw a boy drinking water with his bare hands

Friday, January 31, 2020

Crime Is a Social Construct Essay Example for Free

Crime Is a Social Construct Essay Crime is a social construct Discuss. This composition will look at crime and its different criminological interpretations. Crime is an umbrella word which covers a diverse range of issues and is dependant upon the theoretical stand point of the writer. Although the wordings of the explanations differ, the implications are consistent (Newburn, 2007. Doherty, 2005). Mclaughlin et al (2006) seems the most relevant for the purpose. They separate crime into three key constituent parts. These are harm, social agreement and the official societal reaction. There are different theoretical interpretations of crime. The product of culturally-bounded social interaction is crime; which is the violation of the social contract (Newburn, 2007. Young, 1995). Societal responses are different dependant upon the society. Theft in the UK may result in caution or non-custodial sentence for a first offence; whereas in Saudi Arabia the offender would lose a hand. Deviance can be perceived as being actions or behaviour which although may not be criminal in nature are at odds with the social norms of the society. Promiscuity is legal, though is perceived as deviant (particularly in females due to patriarchal societal values). Homosexual behaviour, which was previously illegal, has undergone a shift in the moral attitudes of society. The moral’s of society regarding certain activities is not set in stone and it alters over time. This is the view rule-relativists have of crime, as what is appropriate to the society at any given moment in time and may change due to alterations in societal values. Social constructs are the institutions, agencies, judicial bodies and any other mechanisms that are produced to implement social order. These social constructs are not natural phenomena; they are created by the hegemony. Behaviour or activities that offend the social codes practices of a particular community. These codes and practices may be different due to cultural differences. Legal and social codes are not always identical. Laws are the mortar that binds societies and implement its norms. A Muslim man may marry more than one wife in certain countries. In the USA a Mormon may also marry more than one wife. He may bring both wives into this country with both having legal rights as his wife. However even though his culture would allow him to marry another wife, in this country he wouldn’t be allowed to. A man in the UK would not be allowed more than one wife. If he did marry a second wife he would be charged with bigamy. This crime doesn’t harm anyone; however it is classed as being against the social norms of British society. A number of crimes are made due to the state acting as a moral guardian to its community. At the present in Indonesia it is illegal to chew chewing gum, conversely in the UK this would not be seen as a reasonable criminal offence. Governments are not beyond contravening their own statutes, as in the case of prisoners that have been transferred to Guantanamo bay and the acknowledgement that water boarding (a form of torture) had been used upon a few of these prisoners. As well as the state justice there are systems which provide social control, such as private security etc. â€Å"They comprise the numerous forms of social control of crime and deviance that are part of group life† (Henry, 1994). There are informal modes of social control from local communities, such as being â€Å"sent to Coventry! The legal standpoint is simply what is enacted by society as criminal. On the issue of harm Lord Denning’s ruling in Donoghue v Stevenson holds â€Å"what would the man on the Clapham omnibus think†. Legally in addition to the criminal act there has to be a guilty mind, mens rea as well as the criminal act, actus reus. There has to be a legal capacity to commit crime, Doli incapax means that thos e less than eleven years of age and those suffering from mental illness are seen as not being capable of committing crimes. There are also mitigating circumstances; reasons why a criminal act may be seen as reasonable. This can be observed as being the contextual component; evidence of this can be seen in the case of the mignonette (Morrison, 2005). The classicist classification of crime is activities which have a negative impact upon the individuals and upon their property of the state’s electorate. Classicists do not take into account that there might be other factions with conflicting aims or moral codes. This can be perceived prior to the break up of the former Yugoslavia, where each faction had separate societal views. The conservative view of crime is that anything that threatens the social order should be criminal. This follows the classicist view insofar as that but they also include crimes which damage the integrity and morals of society. Those dealing with new deviance theory assert that there needs to be two separate parties. One party behaves or commits certain actions that another party who has differing morality categorizes that party as deviant. The factions in society with greater power impose their moral codes (Young, 1995). With new deviance theory the faction with the most power controls the morals; this doesn’t necessarily translate to being the majority of society. The Marxist viewpoint on crime is from of class and the intensification of social control of society. This viewpoint perceives capitalist societies as being breeding grounds for criminal activities. Theorists believe that only socialist societies can have any expectation of being without crime. Sheptycki (2006) states that â€Å"the roots of crime lie in the social structural inequalities of wealth and power. Capitalist societies promote individual interests over social welfare. The radical left criminological theory is that the nature of an advanced industrial society with its class system and its natural patriarchy is the cause of the prevalence of crime. They furthermore view crime as being more of a predicament for the poor. The way laws have been created can be shown in the disparity in sentencing for property theft when compa red to white-collar crime. Positivist criminology views crime and criminal activity as explainable through the natural sciences. Positivist criminologists look for specific causes for crime through scientific methodology. Whether this is because of biological, psychological and sociological disciplines to be able to quantify criminal behaviour. Positivists deem that there is a â€Å"consensus of value in society that can be scientifically ascertained† (Young, 1995). To bring to a close crime is a social construct. Crime is in addition a component of the larger issue of deviance. It is a consequence of social norms which the government has enacted into laws. The state has the infrastructure to enforce the society’s behavioural codes. By means of these criminological schools all of any given states laws can be identified. Having observed these, the new deviance theory was the most rational, building as it does on previous schools of thought. This holds that the faction with the greater societal power holding the reins to society’s moral codes. At the present time this looks to be direction in which western societies are on the face of it is heading. The Iraq war was implemented by the powerful elite of society.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Concusions in Athletes Essay examples -- Sports

In recent studies, it has been found that concussions resulting from athletics are becoming increasingly dangerous while at the same time given less consideration. Sports related mild traumatic brain injuries in children have increased by sixty percent in the last decade. Approximately 173,285 cases of mild traumatic brain injuries relating to sports are treated each year in U.S. emergency departments (CDC). One may ask just what exactly a concussion is. A concussion can be defined as a clinical syndrome characterized by immediate and transient impairment of neural function, such as alteration of consciousness, disturbance of vision, equilibrium, etc., due to mechanical forces (Roy/Irvin, 142). The brain is made up of a â€Å"tofu-like† substance which can impact against the rigid walls of the skull, causing a change in neurological function and more. Basically, a concussion is when the head or body suffers a blow and the brain gets â€Å"sloshed† around causing it damage (Roy/Irvin, 142). There are many ways that a person can obtain a concussion. Concussions could be a result of a car accident or an unexpected fall. In sports, they are usually caused by a direct blow to the head. This can happen when a bat, hockey stick, or any type of ball strikes the head. It can also happen when a player comes in contact with another player, as in tackling during football. A concussion could also be a result of colliding with a stationary object, such as a post or wall (Children’s Memorial Hospital). The most important and also the most difficult process of a concussion is recognizing one. Some athletes will experience obvious signs and symptoms of a concussion and others will have none. Each human brain is very different which makes recognition ver... ...p://>. Faul, M., L. Xu, and VG Coronado. "CDC - Traumatic Brain Injury." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011. Web. 01 Feb. 2012. . Gupta, Sanjay. "Sports Concussion - Protecting Youth Athletes from Concussions..." | Concussion Testing Made Simple. 2011. Web. 12 Jan. 2012. . McBride, Tiffany. "Concussions in Sports." E-mail interview. 19 Jan. 2012. Roy, Steven, and Richard Irvin. Sports Medicine: Prevention, Evaluation, Management, and Rehabilitation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983. Print. Valovich McLeod, Tara C. "Concussions: Cognitive Rest." Athletic Therapy Today 2010: 1-4. Web.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Alternative education Essay

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. A right to education has been recognized by some governments. At the global level, Article 13 of the United Nations’ 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Etymology Etymologically, the word â€Å"education† is derived from the Latin educatio from educo which is related to the homonym educo from e- and †duco . Type of education Education can take place in formal or informal educational settings. Formal education Systems of schooling involve institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a curriculum, which itself is established according to a predetermined purpose of the schools in the system. Schools systems are sometimes also based on religions, giving them different curricula. Curriculum In formal education, a curriculum is the set of courses and their content offered at a school or university. As an idea, curriculum stems from the Latin word for race course, referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to become mature adults. A curriculum is prescriptive, and is based on a more general syllabus which merely specifies what topics must be understood and to what level to achieve a particular grade or standard. An academic discipline is a branch of knowledge which is formally taught, either at the university–or via some other such method. Each discipline usually has several sub-disciplines or branches, and distinguishing lines are often both arbitrary and ambiguous. Examples of broad areas of academic disciplines include the natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, social sciences, humanities and applied sciences. Educational institutions may incorporate fine arts as part of K-12 grade curricula or within majors at colleges and universities as electives. The various types of fine arts are music, dance, and theater. Preschools The term preschool refers to a school for children who are not old enough to attend kindergarten. It is a nursery school. Preschool education is important because it can give a child the edge in a competitive world and education climate. While children who do not receive the fundamentals during their preschool years will be taught the alphabet, counting, shapes and colors and designs when they begin their formal education they will be behind the children who already possess that knowledge. The true purpose behind kindergarten is â€Å"to provide a child-centered, preschool curriculum for three to seven year old children that aimed at unfolding the child’s physical, intellectual, and moral nature with balanced emphasis on each of them. † This period of education is very important in the formative years of the child. Teachers with special skills and training are needed at this time to nurture the children to develop their potentials. Primary schools Primary education consists of the first 5–7 years of formal, structured education. In general, primary education consists of six or eight years of schooling starting at the age of five or six, although this varies between, and sometimes within, countries. Globally, around 89% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary education, and this proportion is rising. Under the Education For All programs driven by UNESCO, most countries have committed to achieving universal enrollment in primary education by 2015, and in many countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary education. The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat arbitrary, but it generally occurs at about eleven or twelve years of age. Some education systems have separate middle schools, with the transition to the final stage of secondary education taking place at around the age of fourteen. Schools that provide primary education, are mostly referred to as primary schools. Primary schools in these countries are often subdivided into infant schools and junior school. In India, compulsory education spans over twelve years, out of which children receive elementary education for 8 years. Elementary schooling consists of five years of primary schooling and 3 years of upper primary schooling. Various states in the republic of India provide 12 years of compulsory school education based on national curriculum framework designed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training. Secondary schools In most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education comprises the formal education that occurs during adolescence. It is characterized by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the optional, selective tertiary, â€Å"post-secondary†, or â€Å"higher† education for adults. Depending on the system, schools for this period, or a part of it, may be called secondary or high schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, middle schools, colleges, or vocational schools. The exact meaning of any of these terms varies from one system to another. The exact boundary between primary and secondary education also varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of schooling. Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage years. In the United States, Canada and Australia primary and secondary education together are sometimes referred to as K-12 education, and in New Zealand Year 1–13 is used. The purpose of secondary education can be to give common knowledge, to prepare for higher education or to train directly in a profession. The emergence of secondary education in the United States did not happen until 1910, caused by the rise in big businesses and technological advances in factories, that required skilled workers. In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created, with a curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar work. This proved to be beneficial for both employers and employees, for the improvement in human capital caused employees to become more efficient, which lowered costs for the employer, and skilled employees received a higher wage than employees with just primary educational attainment. In Europe, grammar schools or academies date from as early as the 16th century, in the form of public schools, fee-paying schools, or charitable educational foundations, which themselves have an even longer history. Alternative Alternative education, also known as non-traditional education or educational alternative, is a broad term that may be used to refer to all forms of education outside of traditional education . This may include not only forms of education designed for students with special needs, but also forms of education designed for a general audience and employing alternative educational philosophies and methods. Alternatives of the latter type are often the result of education reform and are rooted in various philosophies that are commonly fundamentally different from those of traditional compulsory education. While some have strong political, scholarly, or philosophical orientations, others are more informal associations of teachers and students dissatisfied with certain aspects of traditional education. These alternatives, which include charter schools, alternative schools, independent schools, homeschooling and autodidacticism vary, but often emphasize the value of small class size, close relationships between students and teachers, and a sense of community. Alternative education may also allow for independent learning and engaging class activities. Special In the past, those who were disabled were often not eligible for public education. Children with disabilities were often educated by physicians or special tutors. These early physicians set the foundation for special education today. They focused on individualized instruction and functional skills. Special education was only provided to people with severe disabilities in its early years, but more recently it has been opened to anyone who has experienced difficulty learning. Vocational Vocational education is a form of education focused on direct and practical training for a specific trade or craft. Vocational education may come in the form of an apprenticeship or internship as well as institutions teaching courses such as carpentry, agriculture, engineering, medicine, architecture and the arts. Informal education Autodidacticism Autodidacticism is self-directed learning that is related to but different from informal learning. In a sense, autodidacticism is â€Å"learning on your own† or â€Å"by yourself†, and an autodidact is a self-teacher. Autodidacticism is a contemplative, absorbing process. Some autodidacts spend a great deal of time reviewing the resources of libraries and educational websites. One may become an autodidact at nearly any point in one’s life. While some may have been informed in a conventional manner in a particular field, they may choose to inform themselves in other, often unrelated areas. Notable autodidacts include Abraham Lincoln, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Michael Faraday, Charles Darwin, Thomas Alva Edison, Tadao Ando, George Bernard Shaw, Frank Zappa,and Leonardo da Vinci . Indigenous Indigenous education refers to the inclusion of indigenous knowledge, models, methods and content within formal and non-formal educational systems. Often in a post-colonial context, the growing recognition and use of indigenous education methods can be a response to the erosion and loss of indigenous knowledge and language through the processes of colonialism. Furthermore, it can enable indigenous communities to â€Å"reclaim and revalue their languages and cultures, and in so doing, improve the educational success of indigenous students. † Education through recreation The concept of education through recreation was first applied to childhood development in the 19th century. In the early 20th century, the concept was broadened to include young adults but the emphasis was on physical activities. L. P. Jacks, also an early proponent of lifelong learning, described education through recreation: â€Å"A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labour and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself he always seems to be doing both. Enough for him that he does it well. † Education through recreation is the opportunity to learn in a seamless fashion through all of life’s activities. The concept has been revived by the University of Western Ontario to teach anatomy to medical students. Open education is fast growing to become the dominant form of education, for many reasons such as its efficiency and results compared to traditional methods. Cost of education has been an issue throughout history, and a major political issue in most countries today. Open education is generally significantly cheaper than traditional campus based learning and in many cases even free. Many large university institutions are now starting to offer free or almost free full courses such as Harvard, MIT and Berkeley teaming up to form edX Other universities offering open education are Stanford, Princeton, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Edinburgh, U. Penn, U. Michigan, U. Virginia, U. Washington, Caltech. It has been called the biggest change in the way we learn since the printing press. Many people despite favorable studies on effectiveness may still desire to choose traditional campus education for social and cultural reasons. The conventional merit system degree is currently not as common in open education as it is in campus universities. Although some open universities do already offer conventional degrees such as the Open University in the United Kingdom. Currently many of the major open education sources offer their own form of certificate. Due to the popularity of open education these new kind of academic certificates are gaining more respect and equal â€Å"academic value† to traditional degrees. Many open universities are working to have the ability to offer students standardized testing and traditional degrees and credentials. There has been a culture forming around distance learning for people who are looking to enjoy the shared social aspects that many people value in traditional on campus education that is not often directly offered from open education. Examples of this are people in open education forming study groups, meetups and movements such as UnCollege. Liberal arts colleges A liberal arts institution can be defined as a â€Å"college or university curriculum aimed at imparting broad general knowledge and developing general intellectual capacities, in contrast to a professional, vocational, or technical curriculum. † Although what is known today as the liberal arts college began in Europe, the term is more commonly associated with Universities in the United States. Community colleges A nonresidential junior college offering courses to people living in a particular area. Learning modalities There has been much interest in learning modalities and styles over the last two decades. The most commonly employed learning modalities are: Visual: learning based on observation and seeing what is being learned. Auditory: learning based on listening to instructions/information. Kinesthetic: learning based on movement, e. g. hands-on work and engaging in activities. Other commonly-employed modalities include musical, interpersonal, verbal, logical, and intrapersonal. Dunn and Dunn focused on identifying relevant stimuli that may influence learning and manipulating the school environment, at about the same time as Joseph Renzulli recommended varying teaching strategies. Howard Gardner identified a wide range of modalities in his Multiple Intelligences theories. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Keirsey Temperament Sorter, based on the works of Jung, focus on understanding how people’s personality affects the way they interact personally, and how this affects the way individuals respond to each other within the learning environment. The work of David Kolb and Anthony Gregorc’s Type Delineator follows a similar but more simplified approach. Some theories propose that all individuals benefit from a variety of learning modalities, while others suggest that individuals may have preferred learning styles, learning more easily through visual or kinesthetic experiences. A consequence of the latter theory is that effective teaching should present a variety of teaching methods which cover all three learning modalities so that different students have equal opportunities to learn in a way that is effective for them. Guy Claxton has questioned the extent that learning styles such as VAK are helpful, particularly as they can have a tendency to label children and therefore restrict learning. Recent research has argued â€Å"there is no adequate evidence base to justify incorporating learning styles assessments into general educational practice. † Instruction Instruction is the facilitation of another’s learning. Instructors in primary and secondary institutions are often called teachers, and they direct the education of students and might draw on many subjects like reading, writing, mathematics, science and history. Instructors in post-secondary institutions might be called teachers, instructors, or professors, depending on the type of institution; and they primarily teach only their specific discipline.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Analyse and Contrast Elite, Pluralist and Marxist Theories...

2. Analyse and contrast elite, pluralist and Marxist theories of the state. Which interpretation do you find most convincing? Intro The aim of this essay is to examine the three major theories of the state before concluding which of them is, in my opinion, most useful when examining the relationship between the state and civil society in the UK. I will first attempt to briefly outline the three theories. Following this I will offer some definitions and distinctions as well as highlighting some of the contentious and problematic issues that arise whenever one undertakes examination of this type of subject. Theories I will vary from the ordering of the question here to first outline the Marxist theory. I do so simply†¦show more content†¦In my opinion, the first view holds and not all groups are equal. However, this does not necessarily weaken the democratic process. I would argue that the groups with the most power are often in such a position due to the fact that they have the most support for their cause, and that this inequality might therefore be seen as a positive for democracy. The democratic debate as regards the Marxist and elitist theories is much simpler. Marxists are clear on the position that the concentration of power within the bourgeoisie prevents democracy. Indeed, Ralph Miliband, a respected Marxist scholar, wrote of capitalist democracy that it is â€Å"a permanent and fundamental contradiction† (5). On the other hand, we must note that when the USSR and China installed communist regimes proclaiming Marxist ideals, there was and is even less democracy. Wh ether or not this is a misinterpretation of Marx and Engel’s writing is a debate in itself. Elitism, much like pluralism, has had arguments made from both sides. Unlike pluralism however, the arguments have not come at the same time. When the theory was first developed by thinkers such as Mosca and Pareto many were of the opinion that the elite were more suited to control. Many were worried that greater democracy and extension of the franchise would actually harm society as the ‘ignorance of the masses’ would come to the fore. However, in time opinion changed and the theory was