Monday, January 6, 2020

Analyse and Contrast Elite, Pluralist and Marxist Theories...

2. Analyse and contrast elite, pluralist and Marxist theories of the state. Which interpretation do you find most convincing? Intro The aim of this essay is to examine the three major theories of the state before concluding which of them is, in my opinion, most useful when examining the relationship between the state and civil society in the UK. I will first attempt to briefly outline the three theories. Following this I will offer some definitions and distinctions as well as highlighting some of the contentious and problematic issues that arise whenever one undertakes examination of this type of subject. Theories I will vary from the ordering of the question here to first outline the Marxist theory. I do so simply†¦show more content†¦In my opinion, the first view holds and not all groups are equal. However, this does not necessarily weaken the democratic process. I would argue that the groups with the most power are often in such a position due to the fact that they have the most support for their cause, and that this inequality might therefore be seen as a positive for democracy. The democratic debate as regards the Marxist and elitist theories is much simpler. Marxists are clear on the position that the concentration of power within the bourgeoisie prevents democracy. Indeed, Ralph Miliband, a respected Marxist scholar, wrote of capitalist democracy that it is â€Å"a permanent and fundamental contradiction† (5). On the other hand, we must note that when the USSR and China installed communist regimes proclaiming Marxist ideals, there was and is even less democracy. Wh ether or not this is a misinterpretation of Marx and Engel’s writing is a debate in itself. Elitism, much like pluralism, has had arguments made from both sides. Unlike pluralism however, the arguments have not come at the same time. When the theory was first developed by thinkers such as Mosca and Pareto many were of the opinion that the elite were more suited to control. Many were worried that greater democracy and extension of the franchise would actually harm society as the ‘ignorance of the masses’ would come to the fore. However, in time opinion changed and the theory was

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